Hey, sorry to intrude the main tag, haha.
This was made by me


Originally posted by caballerodejunini

Please, if you have reblogged the post from this person, and if it’s not too much to ask, delete the post and reblog my original post instead? Just deleting theirs to stop the spread would suffice, actually.

One of the main reasons I became inactive in this blog was because I was not seeing enough encouraging feedback. I drive on 50% inner and 50% outer motivation, and sometimes it just won’t do to continue contributing to the fandom.

Sorry for this, but that’s exactly the result that reposting an artists’ work has.

If you like something, save it to your bookmarks or maybe name the file like the page you found the content on?

tagged as: saint seiya;  

I just love drawing these characters, man.

Oh yeh– imagine this happened right after Sigmund was thrown in gay baby jail.

Art trade with chibijinebra  ~


 Requested by la-uniceja-de-radamanthys

Kanon in both cloth/scale .v.9 

tagged as: saint seiya;  gemini kanon;  

That one thing I was suhgested to draw 5 months ago

I just saw all you people’s sweet messages!

Hit my inbox with suggestions and I might get to it some—-century |Da

Harpy for soalandy

-burns his hair- 8v

tagged as: saint seiya;  harpy valentine;  

tagged as: Saint Seiya;  Gemini Kanon;  pokesainto;  

Happy birb-day 8'v!

tagged as: wheretheseaandskymeet;  

Anonymous said: I like Alberich ='D I like his eyes~ They are beautiful and majestic and amazing *-*


The entirety of Alberich is beautiful, majestic and amazing.

But I agree on the eyes too, yeah 8)

I love those colors

tagged as: saint seiya;  gemini kanon;